Traducción & Definición

to grow: crecer, aumentar, cultivar verb
The plant is growing. La planta está creciendo.
My grandfather grows lettuce in his garden. Mi padre cultiva lechuga en su jardín.
The profits have grown by 20%. Los beneficios han aumentado en un 20%.
To grow puede tener otros significados:
He's growing impatient. Se está empezando a impacientar.
(= He's getting impatient.)

Este verbo es irregular:
I grow / I grew / I have grown
to grow up: hacerse mayor, madurar, criarse verb
You've grown up. Ya has madurado.
I grew up in Brooklyn. Yo me crié en Brooklyn.

Este verbo es irregular:
I grow up / I grew up / I have grown up
growing: creciente, cada vez mayor adjective

UK: My grandfather grows lettuce in the garden.
US: Your grandfather grows cannabis in the garden.


  • "Did you know that this girl grew up in a condominium with no elevator?"
  • "Nothing good can grow in this place."
  • "Delavigne's tribute to his grandfather, “La Potion de Papi” grew popular."
  • "Yes, the business has grown, but where is the human touch, Bruno?"
  • "I could grow one if you like."
  • "From the seed of the mind, a tree of enlightenment will grow, and from this tree will spread the branches that carry the ripened fruit of compassion."
  • "It's the story of a young girl, growing up in a land, well, a land down under."
  • "Dad : Oh, believe me, I grew up with Grandpa Xavier, and plenty of people think he's weird."
  • "Two years ago, our gross revenue was big, but still growing."

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