Traducción & Definición

to handle: manejar, manipular, tratar verb
Our sales manager in Tokyo handles all of our sales in Asia. Nuestro gerente de ventas en Tokyo maneja todas nuestras ventas en Asia.
Will you be able to handle this on your own? ¿Será capaz de manejar esto usted solo?
Who handled the perfume samples? Half the bottles are broken. ¿Quién manipuló las muestras de perfume? La mitad de las botellas están rotas.
Jedi knights handle their light sabers with great skill. Los caballeros Jedi manejan sus espadas láser con gran habilidad.
handle with care Frágil

UK: I'm fragile, and you should handle me with care.
US: I handle all the recruitment in this company.


  • "Icarus : Well, we're lucky to have a number of new recruits in our team. We have a gang of snails who handle our outgoing payments."
  • "I was under the impression that a customer service department and a customer service hotline had been put into place exactly to handle situations such as this one."
  • "If you're not too busy photocopying, I would be very grateful if you could handle the interviews for me."
  • "We are capable of handling all your production very cheaply."
  • "The way you handled that paper jam was incredible."
  • "Handle each complaint in a courteous and professional manner and to the client's satisfaction."
  • "Kevin : Well Mrs Lee, because your factory seems so versatile, I was wondering if you would be able to handle our cosmetic packaging as well."
  • "I'm not happy about the way you two are handling our customer support."
  • "My servers could handle 10 times the traffic if they weren't busy apologizing for your shit code base."
  • "-The way the complaint is handled will determine if the customer will return or not."

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