Traducción & Definición

to grant: conceder, otorgar verb
I cannot grant you the permission to come in to work at noon every day. No puedo darle permiso para llegar al trabajo diariamente a las 12 .
a grant: una beca, una subvención, un subsidio noun
Granted, (he seems friendly, but that could just be an act!): De acuerdo, (parece agradable, pero ¡puede que esté fingiendo!) idiom

UK: I cannot grant you permission to come into work at noon every day.
US: I got a grant from the government to open an orphanage.


  • "Today we've been granted the exclusive opportunity to discover the many secrets of his magnificent, splendiferous, fantabulous, audacious, enormous ranch!"
  • "Today we've been granted the exclusive opportunity to discover the many secrets of his magnificent, splendiferous, fantabulous, audacious, enormous... ranch!"
  • "Our charismatic and handsome leader has granted us the rare privilege of visiting him in his humble palace."
  • "For example, I am proposing a grant of $1m to the Marketing Department to fund a Europe-wide campaign aimed at increasing sales of our mid-range collections."
  • "Dear Nessie, please grant us the flexibility to stretch our limbs with the fluidity of a single malt whiskey."
  • "We've been granted an interview with the world famous marine biologist, Doctor Bruno Delavigne."
  • "Granted, personal issues should not interfere with job performance, however it is my firm belief that, given time, Doris will regain her previous productivity."
  • "Permission granted."
  • "I know there are possibly some laws that grant amnesty to certain illegal immigrants."

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