Übersetzung & Definition

rich: reich adjective


  • "Lifestyles of the Rich and Crazy"
  • "I'm going to talk to you today in my role as an "entrepreneur" about the importance of networking, and a theory called the "six degrees of separation" which could help you be as successful and rich as me."
  • "Mrs. Brady's International School of English is situated in the delightful countryside of Cornwall, a county rich in history and legends located at the south-western tip of England."
  • "It's a beautiful city, full of sights and sounds which are rich and pleasant, not unlike a perfume."
  • "I ran into him at my dog's hairdresser, and I thought: he's rich and weird, and you're weird and now rich - I guess you guys should talk."
  • "I understand that you wanted to marry a rich guy, at least that makes sense, but yet here you are back in London with nothing to show for it, not even a fancy diamond ring."
  • "You're going to be rich!"
  • "We're rich!"
  • "English is a fabulously rich language."

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