Übersetzung & Definition
(Do you have any) money (on you?): (Haben Sie) Geld (dabei?)
Hinweis: Bitte verwechseln Sie money nicht mit change.
to have change for a 5 pound note bedeutet, dass man die Summe von 5 Pfund in Münzen hat (Kleingeld).
to have change for a 5 pound note bedeutet, dass man die Summe von 5 Pfund in Münzen hat (Kleingeld).
- "Howsabout I grab the money?"
- "Sigourney : Sometimes money seems to be the only kind of green that Americans understand, isn't that right, Ursula?"
- "I had a flat tire, I didn't have enough money for cab fare...earthquake...locusts!"
- "Got a whole lot of money that's ready to burn."
- "Edward : Yeah, but MacCheeter, tell me, why did you need Hannah's Tic-Tacs and my money?"
- "Here, you give me the money, I'll pay."
- "Looks like the money is mine!"
- "The Corsican : Why do you get to grab the money?"
- "Give me back my money!"
- "I purchased an old soviet submarine on e-bay with the money my grandfather left me."
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