Übersetzung & Definition

(to make) an effort: sich bemühen, sich anstrengen, eine Anstrengung machen noun


  • "Anyway, despite your commendable efforts, I have decided it would be best to hire the janitor through a cleaning agency."
  • "Bruno : Yes, well we've all been very busy recently, and I wanted to let you know that your efforts are appreciated."
  • "I'll make an effort for you, esteemed female colleagues."
  • "I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank Icarus and his mother for making the effort to come along."
  • "a new wave of Chinese entrepreneurs is now attacking aspects of the marketing ladder, extending their efforts to distribution, retailing and even branding."
  • "You need to be thinking for the long term. These changes may be difficult to implement but the benefits far outweigh the initial effort."
  • "You need to make an effort to speak more clearly."
  • "Can't you make an effort to go down to 7.9?"
  • "Far from it, I would envision a hefty fine and community service for the two of them. On the other hand, any effort you could make to avoid a jail sentence for Mr. Marron or Mr. Connors would be greatly appreciated, as they are valuable contributors to the Delavigne team, without whom we could not thrive."
  • "Let me take this opportunity to thank Icarus and his mother for making the effort to come along."

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