Übersetzung & Definition

(an) efficient (process, person): (ein) effizienter (Prozess), (eine) tüchtige, leistungsfähige (Person) adjective
Der Begriff efficient muss von dem Ausdruck effective unterschieden werden. "An effective (process)" führt zu dem gewünschten Effekt oder Ergebnis, während "an efficient (process)" mit einem Minimum an Aufwand, Energie oder Verlust erfolgt.
Icarus is the most efficient accountant Delavigne has ever had. Icarus ist der effizienteste Buchhalter, den Delavigne jemals hatte.
efficiency: Effizienz noun
(completed) efficiently: effizient (abgeschlossen) adverb

UK: The heating in our office is not very efficient.
US: We need to improve the efficiency of the sales team.


  • "Their goal is to promote teamwork and develop "skill sets" which will help us become more confident, more efficient and more focused on the well-being of the entire organization."
  • "I want to thank you for your invaluable help over the last few weeks: Replacing the majority of our workforce with automatons and robots was no easy task, but your help in reducing our fragile, fleshy and weak human staff was done with ruthless, near robotic, efficiency."
  • "Doris used to be an excellent worker: punctual, efficient and a talented maker of coffee PERIOD."
  • "Emissions, efficiency Efficiency Efficiency."
  • "Efficiency Efficiency."
  • "I optimise schedules and efficiency"
  • "A lot of people don't realize that an efficient workplace requires positive energy."
  • "And he's helping us with our paper recycling system. He's very efficient at chewing confidential financial reports."
  • "Emissions, efficiency"
  • "Katherine : I think I'm the best person for the job because I'm highly organized, extremely efficient, and a great multi-tasker."

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