Übersetzung & Definition
as soon as possible (ASAP): so bald wie möglich
A.S.A.P. ist die Abkürzung von as soon as possible.
Pronunciation examples
UK: You must phone the boss A.S.A.P.! And by that, I mean as soon as possible.
US: I'll call him A.S.A.P., which means as soon as possible.
- "Send over the results as soon as possible."
- "Bruno : Dr. Gilchrist, I arrived as soon as I could."
- "I'll get in touch with you as soon as I can."
- "I'll be there as soon as I can, and give him the good coffee."
- "My future plans are to leave the city as soon as possible, assume a new identity and start a new life in a murder-free area."
- "Please leave your name, number and a detailed message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible."
- "In closing, we would be pleased if you would give us your reply as soon as possible."
- "We want them to believe that you truly regret missing their call, and that you will do your best to call them back as soon as you are able."
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