Übersetzung & Definition

as soon as (possible): sobald wie (möglich) idiom
As soon as wird genutzt wie "when", vor allem im Futur (Zeitenkonkordanz im Präsens):
As soon as you are finished, we will have lunch. Sobald du fertig bist, werden wir zu Mittag essen.
Achten Sie auf die Zeitenkonkordanz (Futur & indirekte Rede):
We will proceed as soon as Bruno gets here.(und nicht will get here!) Sobald Bruno da ist, werden wir fortfahren.


  • "As soon as future medical technology has advanced, your body will be defrosted, healed and revived."
  • "But I think I'll come round to pick it up myself, as soon as I find my artificial leg."
  • "I'm probably photocopying or making coffee at the moment, but please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I get permission to use the phone again."
  • "Personally, I intend to achieve my goals as soon as humanly possible, and in one case, as soon as time travel technology permits."
  • "As soon as you get this message, please meet me in my office immediately."
  • "I will bring it back as soon as it is finished in the oven."
  • "Indigo Motel is selling shares on their website, and I just bought a ton of them. As soon as they raise $150,000 they'll use that money to record, promote and distribute their first album. As a shareholder, I will receive a cut of all sales and licensing."
  • "Philip : Just as soon as I'm finished spitting this important message: "Must use toilet immediately, ate burrito for breakfast."

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