Übersetzung & Definition
angry: ärgerlich, wütend, böse
Note that we are angry "with" or "at" someone: "I'm angry with my father".
Bruno looks a little angry. Bruno sieht wütend aus.
to grow angry sich ärgern
anger: der Ärger, die Wut
to anger (someone): jemanden ärgern
Pronunciation examples
UK: Bruno looks a bit angry.
US: When I haven't eaten, I'm hungry and that makes me angry.
- "Angry ostrich."
- "You are too angry to talk to someone at the moment, so you will be placed on hold until you have calmed down a bit."
- "If you are so angry that you cannot speak, press 4."
- "Brian : Intimidating but elegant, like an angry ostrich."
- "an angry old bear"
- "Tension in this country is high - riots, protests, and angry tea drinking seem inevitable."
- "Bruno : You got angry?"
- "If you are quite angry with a Delavigne product, press 2."
- "Please tell Bruno I miss him, and I'm very angry with him."
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