Tradução & Definição

to describe: descrever, explicar, narrar, detalhar, retratar verb
a description: uma descrição noun


  • "Zack Fielding, described as a shy loner by his classmates, threw a range of sweets, including jelly beans and candy corn, during a 10th grade math class."
  • "Lawyer : Uh, Mr. Capone, for legal purposes, I'd like you to refrain from using the term "gangster" to describe yourself."
  • "Physical description: (Age) 19 (Height) 5.8 M (Weight) 2367 KG (additional information) LOVES SUDOKU"
  • "-How would you describe it?"
  • "You will introduce yourself, and give a brief description of your role in your corporation."
  • "Insurance type Description Insurance limit for damages"
  • "Can you describe your artificial arm to me?"
  • "Each billboard emits the scent of Washed Up, described by Kalvin Krime as "a masculine blend of sun, surf, and wetsuits"."

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