Tradução & Definição

to deduct: deduzir, diminuir, subtrair verb
We will deduct the overdraft charges from your savings account. Vamos deduzir as taxas do cheque especial de sua conta poupança.


  • "The cost of this will be deducted from your wages."
  • "Would you like me to go ahead and deduct the money?"
  • "Polly : Mr. Connors, if you still wish to travel in business class, the extra cost will be deducted from your next check."
  • "I suggest that it be deducted from your salary in monthly installments of 300 dollars for the next four months."
  • "Icarus : Actually, Terrance, the term "bottom line" refers to the "net income" of the company, which indicates the earnings that remain after deducting taxes and other amounts."
  • "For some reason, the "perfume counter" wasn't deducting units of Moulin Magic from the inventory when they were sold and left the warehouse."

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