Tradução & Definição

Spain: Espanha noun
a Spaniard: um(a) espanhol(a) noun


  • "It is difficult to believe that there have been so many wars between England and France Germany Spain the world."
  • "For years, the British have been buying up homes in countries such as Italy, Spain, and France."
  • "Tomatoes grown in Spain and transported to the UK have much less of an impact than the same tomatoes grown in greenhouses in the UK, which require electricity to light and heat them."
  • "You remember the new factory we wanted to build in Spain?"
  • "Rocio del Carmen in Madrid, Spain"
  • "Brian : Of course, sir, the new factory in Spain: it's going to be the biggest and most modern manufacturing plant in the world!"
  • "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain"
  • "Bruno : Those Spaniards are stalling on our building permit."

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