Tradução & Definição

(a) sharp (knife): (uma faca) afiada adjective
(a) sharp (person): (uma pessoa) astuta, afiada, inteligente adjective
(8 o'clock) sharp: (às 8h) em ponto idiom


  • "The "power suit" originated in the 1980s, and was typified by wide shoulder pads and sharp angles."
  • "Just a quick reminder that we will be meeting at 8:30 sharp tomorrow (Tuesday) morning to discuss possible names for a new Delavigne skin cream to be released at the end of the year."
  • "I can tell you're a sharp one!"
  • "You must be in the dining room at 7.30 sharp , and have finished eating by 7.45 sharp ."
  • "Come to my office at 6 o'clock sharp."
  • "It is covered with hundreds of tiny little sharp little things... like... eh... needles."
  • "They're supposed to have our flagship stand in Paris, but their sales have taken a sharp drop."
  • "Moira : Och, that Candy Summers, she's as sharp as a marshmallow!"

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Mais testemunhos.