Tradução & Definição

a shark: um tubarão noun
A few sharks eat men, but a lot of men eat sharks. Alguns tubarões comem seres humanos, mas muitos humanos comem tubarões.


  • "Incident type: SHARK ATTACK (CLASSIC)"
  • "Horatio : ...I took her to Australia... But she was eaten by "Sharky" the shark."
  • "Sharky... the fearsome shark!"
  • "Horatio (shark) : I am a talking shark!"
  • "The perplexed shark hesitated slightly before biting the victim in two."
  • "Sailor : So that's why you've come to sea - to kill the shark!"
  • "Joan Wayne attempted to scare the shark by firing at its dorsal fin, then challenged the shark to a duel, running into the water with pistols drawn."
  • "To ask that shark for a fight!"
  • "At approximately 15:00, 26th July 2011, a shark attack off Bondi Beach resulted in one fatality."

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