Tradução & Definição

power: o poder, a potência, a energia, a força noun
powerful: poderoso, potente adjective
powerless impotente, ineficaz
to power: poder, alimentar (com eletricidade), fazer funcionar verb


  • "This is where many of our most powerful fragrances come from. Knock knock, Horatio?"
  • "But now you will meet a very powerful man."
  • "-Now you have the power."
  • "You've got them right where you want them. Now make an announcement, to consolidate your power!"
  • "A president can't use his power to further his own interests, or the interests of his family or friends or even the man he's madly in love with."
  • "Chakras are meridian points, the center of spiritual power in the human body."
  • "Have you been abusing your powers as a ruthless dictator, tyrannical tyrant or cruel despot?"
  • "In the 1960s, the Haight-Ashbury district was the center of the hippie counterculture movement and "Flower Power"."
  • "The tree of mystery has the power to answer one question."
  • "There is power in a union."

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