Tradução & Definição

intense: intenso adjective


  • "He complained of "intense pancake syndrome", "lazy eyebrows" and a "chocolate mistake"."
  • "an intense bar fight ensues... and then the saloon doors open"
  • "After two intense months of interviews, innumerable resumés, and extensive background research, I'm confident that I've finally found the perfect hire for our new Customer Service department."
  • "Bruno : It's about the American flag, how it was still waving even during an intense battle with bombs all around."
  • "He is a magnetic, popular figure, known as much for his business acumen as he is for his charity work and intense affection for dogs."
  • "I suggest we end this very intense session with a big hug."
  • "An intense bar fight ensues."
  • "Bruno had better luck with independent shops, which were fascinated by Oléré's intense and original blends."
  • "Bruno had better luck with independent shops, which were fascinated by Oléré's intense and original mixtures."
  • "Anyway, I am standing next to none other than entrepreneur Bruno Delavigne, who has just emerged from intense marathon negotiation sessions with the International Fruit Concern, Incorporated."

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Mais testemunhos.