Tradução & Definição

to intend: intencionar, ter a intenção de verb
I believe that they intend to increase the price. Acredito que eles têm a intenção de elevar os preços.
intended: intencional, deliberado, planejado adjective


  • "Please find below the project that I intend to pursue."
  • "Delavigne Corp intends to roll out the new logo over the next few months"
  • "Instead, I intend to ruin the reputation of a good man through a combination of rumors, internet research and wild speculation*."
  • "This introductory guide is intended to summarize our most popular savings accounts, so that you can choose the account that is right for you."
  • "Mayor : It has recently come to my attention that your company intends to build a second retail store on Market Street."
  • "Personally, I intend to achieve my goals as soon as humanly possible, and in one case, as soon as time travel technology permits."
  • "-You're intending to jump across the English channel?"
  • "I'm sure you're aware that the property you intend to purchase is in fact owned by the city of San Francisco."

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