Tradução & Definição

an industry: uma indústria noun

UK: The government should invest more money in the tourist industry.
US: The industrial revolution changed the face of the world.


  • "It's been 20 years of gathering the greatest minds in the cosmetics industry for lectures, conferences, round-table discussions and even a cocktail party or two!"
  • "Specifically, I've been thinking about your highly unrealistic expectations of making it in the music industry."
  • "With over 3 months' experience in PR and damage control, Slick Brand Solution's long track record in the industry speaks for itself!"
  • "Our company's marquee perfume release last year, "Adonis for men", has been nominated for a "Smelly" award, the most prestigious award in the perfume industry."
  • "For the last century, Delavigne has been among the industry leaders in cosmetics and perfumes."
  • "The airline is set to revolutionise the low-cost airline industry, setting new standards in price, comfort, service and destination options."
  • "SAN FRANCISCO – The luxury fragrance industry has been rocked by allegations that one of the senior staff of the Delavigne Corporation may be a spy."
  • "He writes: Miss Bliss, how do you manage to thrive in the male-dominated perfume industry?"
  • "Extensive knowledge of cosmetics industry a must!"
  • "Framboise Industries Inc."

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Mais testemunhos.