Tradução & Definição

industrial: industrial adjective


  • "Industrial Fruit Concern Inc. has stated that if they acquire the juice business, they plan to completely change the company culture and business model, create hundreds of soulless storefronts across the world, and pretty much ruin everything that made it unique."
  • "Wang Industries is the Shanghai-based parent company for a number of successful Chinese operations, mainly industrial companies, though Wang is diversifying his holdings rapidly."
  • "You, Brian Alastair Sinclair Jones, have been accused of industrial espionage, which contravenes the confidentiality at work accord of May 1972, sub-clause 15 bracket B paragraph 3."
  • "Peking: As negotiations between Chinese juice conglomerate Industrial Fruit Concern Inc ."
  • "In the US, the loss of industrial jobs and the rise of a global economy have threatened the higher wages that union members once enjoyed."
  • "Brian : It's actually industrial espionage."
  • "Is Brian Jones guilty or not guilty of industrial espionage?"
  • "You, Brian Alastair Sinclair Jones, have been accused of industrial espionage."
  • "San Francisco - In a move that is barely newsworthy, Industrial Fruit Concern Inc. (NASDAQ: IFC) has made a multi-billion dollar offer to acquire a local juice boutique."

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