Traduction et définition

water: l'eau noun
US waters les "eaux" américaines
to water (a plant): arroser (une plante) verb


  • "It looks like some sort of land surrounded on all sides by water."
  • "He was a good worker but he needed to consume food and water regularly, which slowed me down."
  • "I haven't drunk any water in three days!"
  • "At approximately 14:53, a great white shark was spotted offshore, and lifeguards ordered swimmers out of the water."
  • "Joan Wayne attempted to scare the shark by firing at its dorsal fin, then challenged the shark to a duel, running into the water with pistols drawn."
  • "I'm going in the water!"
  • "My camel Sheeba, on the other hand, drinks water once a week."
  • "Your job - it is to walk around in desert and not drink water?"
  • "Bruno : Attention, USS Calypso, this is Dr. Delavigne, I'm in the water, do you read me?"
  • "Please help yourself to a glass of cold water, but you should know that's all the water you'll get for the next two weeks of the convention!"

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