Traduction et définition
en colère, furieux/furieuse, fâché.e
Remarque : On dit to be angry with ou at someone (être en colère contre qqn) : I'm angry with my father (je suis en colère contre mon père).
Bruno felt very angry because his friend did not invite him to the cinema. Bruno était très en colère car son ami ne l'avait pas invité au cinéma.
to grow angry se fâcher
anger: la colère
to anger (someone): mettre (quelqu'un) en colère
Pronunciation examples
UK: Bruno looks a bit angry.
US: When I haven't eaten, I'm hungry and that makes me angry.
- "Brian : Intimidating but elegant, like an angry ostrich."
- "an angry old bear"
- "If you are quite angry with a Delavigne product, press 2."
- "Tension in this country is high - riots, protests, and angry tea drinking seem inevitable."
- "Please tell Bruno I miss him, and I'm very angry with him."
- "Bruno : You got angry?"
- "Angry ostrich."
- "You are too angry to talk to someone at the moment, so you will be placed on hold until you have calmed down a bit."
- "If you are so angry that you cannot speak, press 4."
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