Traducción & Definición

voice-over: voz en off noun


  • "Voiceover : Meanwhile Mitch has some surprising news of his own."
  • "Because that's also on the menu. Voiceover"
  • "Betty : Perfect! Voiceover"
  • "Voiceover : Stay tuned, Beachview is next!"
  • "Voiceover : Today, on a very special Beachview, CG has some shocking news for Mitch."
  • "Voiceover : Imagine another dimension where nothing is as it seems. Up is down, right is left, and the Delavigne Corporation... well, let's just say it's the Brian Jones Corporation."
  • "Voiceover : Finally, there's a talking shark at the beach, and he looks hungry!"
  • "Voiceover : Previously, at the Delavigne Corporation: Lucie Lohan, heiress to the Lohan fortune ran away from the company because the staff wouldn't stop singing."
  • "Voiceover : But that's not all!"

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