Traducción & Definición
a voicemail (or voice mail) (box): una mensajería de voz, una grabadora
- "Voice mail : Hello, you have reached the voice mail of the one and only Philip Cheeter."
- "(Philip reaches the voicemail of Susan Bliss)"
- "Why don't you transfer me directly to Mr. Delavigne's voicemail?"
- "Bruno : You've reached the voicemail of Bruno Delavigne."
- "They feature the most advanced voice mail options for messages ever!"
- "Voice mail : Hello, you've reached the voice mail of Philip Cheeter."
- "He left a very strange message on my voicemail earlier: something about a place called "Kalackistan"."
- "Voice mail : You have 3 new messages."
- "I was enthralled to get your message on my "Love Connection" voice mail box this morning."
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