Traducción & Definición

a travel agency: una agencia de viajes noun
a travel agent: un agente de viajes noun


  • "Horatio : But more importantly, I am a travel agent and tour guide."
  • "Travel Agent - Wild Pigeon Travels"
  • "The Great Americas Travel Agency, Montevideo, Uruguay"
  • "The victim, American Joan Wayne, arrived at the beach at approximately 13:30 with friends, Sydney and Opera Smith and ethnically ambiguous travel agent Horatio Oléré."
  • "Andrea : Good morning, you're through to Gulliver's Travel Agency."
  • "I was reading through the latest issue of Management Monthly Magazine this morning, and they had a feature on corporate travel agencies."
  • "I got in touch with several different business travel agencies, which ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous."
  • "I'm doing a little research on business travel agencies for my boss - CEO Bruno Delavigne."
  • "Bernie MacFly Travel Agent Wild Pigeon Travels"

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