Traducción & Definición

travels: los viajes noun
Travels siempre esta en plural en este caso.
to travel: viajar verb
to travel on seguir, continuar un viaje
Passengers travelling on to Toulouse will be stopping in Bordeaux. Los pasajeros en dirección a Toulouse deberán hacer una parada en Burdeos.


  • "At the same time, Philip developed a talent for sales while travelling door to door with his father and selling first hot dogs, then toasters, and eventually insurance policies."
  • "During my travels, however, I realized something: Although I'm an awesome person, my place is here, at the Delavigne Corporation."
  • "On behalf of the entire flight crew, we would like to thank you once again for choosing English Airlines, and we wish you a pleasant stay in London, or wherever your travels may take you."
  • "Horatio : You need to travel, try new things..."
  • "You and Ms. Donovan will be traveling first class to Logan Airport on Big Generic Airlines."
  • "To: Winter Wonderland Travel Customer Support"
  • "Other times, I feel like I could travel for the rest of my life."
  • "You're listening to Chapter 36 of 82 on the subject of: "Travel"."
  • "-They travel in UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) such as spaceships and flying saucers"
  • "Someone attractive, who enjoys traveling, and the finer things in life."

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