Traducción & Definición

suspicious: sospechoso, dudoso; suspicaz, receloso adjective
He looks suspicious. Tiene un aire sospechoso.
I find it suspicious that you don't make eye contact with me. Me parece sospechoso que no me mire a los ojos.
to be suspicious (of, that): sospechar (de), desconfiar (de) verb
I'm suspicious of his intentions. Desconfío de sus intenciones.
We are suspicious that the judge has already taken a bribe. Sospechamos que el juez se ha dejado sobornar.


  • "Steve : That sounds suspicious, I think you've received a phishing email."
  • "- Don't be stupid enough to respond in any way to unsolicited or suspicious mail claiming to be from a bank."
  • "That sounds suspicious."
  • "I first started getting suspicious in the helicopter."
  • "He is notoriously suspicious of everything, and certainly cannot be trusted."
  • "The press is already suspicious of our methods."
  • "Their partnership came to an unfortunate end however when Xavier died in a suspicious explosion in the early 1980s."
  • "Their partnership ended when Xavier died in a suspicious explosion in the early 1980s."
  • "A quick-thinking pedestrian, who happened to pass by just as the suspicious youths entered the bank, helped police solve the crime in record time."

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