Traducción & Definición

silver (metal): plata noun
(a) silver (belt): (un cinturón) plateado adjective


  • "You should also be receiving a silver plaque entitled "Delavigne's perfume achievers" from Polly."
  • "SILVER - Fifi Le Caniche (France)"
  • "Lotsa Medals : Well, Brent, I'm not sure those are everyone's concerns, but after one week of competition, Germany leads the medal count with 9 medals: 3 gold, 4 silver and 2 bronze, closely followed by the US and France with 8 and 7 total medals respectively."
  • "I can't decide what to wear: The purple shirt with green stripes, or the orange shirt with silver spots... My meeting with Philip Cheeter is in half an hour."
  • "No silver bells, no jingle bells, no little drummer boy, no rum pum pum, nothing!"
  • "SILVER - n/a"
  • "Brian Jones (UK) won a silver medal in Flirting with the opposite sex ."
  • "A giant statue: tall and proud, with hard buttocks and soft eyes, made from bronze or silver or gold!"

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