Traducción & Definición

(Don't be) silly: (No seas) tonto, bobo, necio adjective


  • "Icarus : No, don't be silly Hannah."
  • "Samantha : No question is too silly."
  • "Susie : No, Philip, silly marketing tricks like this make a brand look cheap and tacky."
  • "That would be silly to eat breakfast twice."
  • "Bruno don't be silly, you won't be needing those."
  • "It is a big order, where is that silly invoice?"
  • "Silly monkey, this programme's not about you!"
  • "These days, boasting about short nights seems more silly than manly, not to mention that anyone still working on Wall Street is lucky to have a job during these tough economic times!"
  • "The Queen : No, don't be so silly, Philip."

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