Traducción & Definición

the sea: el mar noun
a sea cucumber un pepino de mar, un cohombro de mar


  • "There are lots of dangers on the sea, including the very real threat of zucchini."
  • "On the beach, white sea birds attacked me and ate my sandwiches, then Masaki threw a rock at them which hit me on the head."
  • "He ate your legs and the sea turned dark"
  • "Sadly, his fears came true last month when he killed himself by cutting off his own head and jumping into the sea."
  • "On the beach, a lot of white sea birds attacked me and ate my sandwiches, then Masaki threw a rock at them which hit me on the head."
  • "The sea is notorious for many terrible things and dangers."
  • "Taking in the salty sea air, surrounded by men in uniform, vomiting my guts out."
  • "Sun, sea, sandcastles..."
  • "Thursday : Sources report that the jet setting juice juggernaut was partying hard in the underwater city of Atlantis , riding sea horses and organizing illegal dolphin fights."

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