Traducción & Definición

to search for (something): buscar (algo) verb
Last time I talked to Luna, she was still searching for a housemate. La última vez que hablé con Luna todavía andaba buscando un compañero de piso.
a search: búsqueda, un registro noun


  • "Meanwhile, Bruno put on his best suit and went door-to-door searching for distributors for the new Delavigne fragrances."
  • "Delavigne and Stink visited the Coliseum of Rome, the pyramids of Egypt, walked along the Great Wall of China and spent a confusing weekend in Amsterdam. Eventually, Bruno arrived in the jungles of the Amazon, still searching for the cure to his Anosmia."
  • "Search for hotels with four stars"
  • "Give me a word to search for!"
  • "So that concludes this month's search through suggestion box."
  • "Delavigne and Stink visited the Colosseum of Rome, the pyramids of Egypt, walked along the Great Wall of China and spent a confusing weekend in Amsterdam. Eventually Bruno arrived in the jungles of the Amazon, still searching for the cure to his Anosmia."
  • "I wish you the best of luck with your search for employment."
  • "Security guard : Hold on sir, I'm just going to do a quick search."
  • "If you just give me a second while I search our database... Okay, it looks like your server is down at our data center, scheduled for delivery on the 26th."

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