Traducción & Definición

to notice: darse cuenta de, fijarse en, observar, advertir verb
I noticed that you were using your cell phone during my speech. Me di cuenta de que durante mi discurso usted hablaba por el móvil.
As you may have noticed... Como habrá podido observar...
a notice: un aviso, un anuncio, un letrero, un cartel noun
It says in the notice on the door that the building is scheduled to be demolished in thirty days. En el cartel de la entrada dice que el edificio se demolerá dentro de treinta días.
to give notice avisar, notificar; dar un preaviso


  • "It's just that I've noticed a surprising trend: TigerLily isn't being bought by Rebecca."
  • "I noticed you've got a fancy yellow tennis racket."
  • "Beach friend​​​​​​​ : You'll probably notice..."
  • "You'll notice that our prices are very competitive."
  • "Notice anything?"
  • "I noticed that you have expanded the family business."
  • "Another thing I've noticed about L."
  • "Have you noticed any weaknesses?"
  • "Edward : I thought you might notice."

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