Traducción & Definición

It's nothing to worry about: No hay nada de que preocuparse; No se preocupe idiom


  • "Probably nothing to worry about, but several supermarkets in Japan have started selling a "copycat" version of our award-winning TigerLily fragrance."
  • "Estate agent : Oh, that's nothing to worry about."
  • "Stress: Nothing to worry about"
  • "Donna : I don't know what you've done Brian, but I've got nothing to worry about."
  • "After exhaustive scientific analysis, I am confident that this "copycat" product is nothing to worry about."
  • "I've only crashed two planes in my life, there's nothing to worry about."
  • "Icarus : That's just a formality. Nothing to worry about."
  • "Just a small leak in the Channel Tunnel, but nothing to worry about."

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