Traducción & Definición

a contributor: un participante, un colaborador noun
to contribute: contribuir, aportar verb


  • "You've been contributing 6% of your salary to this pension plan since you arrived at Delavigne."
  • "The online encyclopedia that anyone can contribute to and is therefore full of inaccurate information?"
  • "Icarus : Yes, almost all Delavigne Corporation employees contribute to something called a 401(k) plan."
  • "Icarus : Moreover, the money you pay into this plan is tax-free for now, and Delavigne matches part of what you contribute, so you effectively get free money!"
  • "Fear of 'manboobs' contributed to the slump in sales of the Kalvin Krime 'Solo' range aimed at the youth market."
  • "While Delavigne doesn't have any immediate plans to use corn-based packaging, we are always looking for ways to contribute to preserving the environment."
  • "The money you contribute doesn't go to today's old people, no: it's placed into a pension fund where it will grow until you collect it when you retire."
  • "In a speech to the House of Commons, Sir Bear called into question the accepted science that the emission of greenhouse gases is contributing to global warming."
  • "Not only will you be astounded by the sound, but you will also be contributing to one of the most remarkable technological turnarounds in recent history."
  • "Contributed to the cultural explosion of the sixties."

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