Traducción & Definición

a contribution: una contribución, un aporte noun


  • "The company matches your contribution to a savings account monthly until you retire."
  • "Luna : The contribution you have made to Delavigne as a whole has been rated: very good."
  • "My question for you is this: Would you like to modify your monthly contribution in any way?"
  • "- The contributions each of you has made to your departments and to the company as a whole"
  • "Your contribution is currently divided into a portfolio of American mutual funds, stocks and bonds."
  • "I especially look forward to contributions from our Indian colleagues as I know you are a very creative people."
  • "Luna : The contribution you have made to Delavigne as a whole has been rated: good."
  • "Kate : Yeah, and your 350-dollar contribution is equaled by the Delavigne Corporation until your retirement."
  • "After all, they invented the French kiss and the French fry, two of the greatest contributions to modern society."

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