Traducción & Definición

(a) cheap (bicycle, man): (una bicicleta) barata; (un hombre) tacaño adjective
I'm looking for a cheap flight to Mexico City. Busco un vuelo barato para Ciudad de México.
cheaply (produced): (producido) a bajo coste adverb


  • "It's mild, it's reassuring, it's cheap: a bit like Europe in the current geopolitical sandwich."
  • "An era of dance music, cheap cologne, innocent touching, and disease-free casual sex!"
  • "One of the cheapest, safest, and most sociable ways of traveling within the United States is the Greendog network of buses."
  • ""Cheap", "tacky", and "gimmick" aren't words that we want to associate with the Delavigne Corporation."
  • "We are capable of handling all your production very cheaply."
  • "InBrianaJones (Brian Jones) says : It's software that allows you to make cheap or free calls over the Internet."
  • "Nigel : Well, if it makes any difference, economy class is a lot cheaper."
  • "As far as dinner is concerned, if you are to pick the restaurant, I should tell you right away that I refuse to eat at cheap restaurants like McDonald's."
  • "We know that college isn't cheap, but with United Bank, you'll be able to earn interest on what little money you do have."
  • "Susie : No, Philip, silly marketing tricks like this make a brand look cheap and tacky."

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