Traducción & Definición

big: grande, importante adjective


  • "You were the lunch on a big fish's plate!"
  • "Sharky is a big fish."
  • "You and your big mouth!"
  • "You and Ms. Donovan will be traveling first class to Logan Airport on Big Generic Airlines."
  • "Something big has just appeared on the radar!"
  • "Pilot (Steve) : Good evening everyone and welcome aboard Big Generic Airlines flight 523 with non-stop service from San Francisco International to Logan International Airport in Boston."
  • "Warbuckle : Something big is going to happen at midnight!"
  • "Enjoy your flight, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for flying Big Generic Airlines."
  • "Lou : Mate, if you come with me, we'll surf the biggest waves in the galaxy!"
  • "Because you only care about dumb stuff like perfume and science, you big perfume nerd!"

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