What our users say about Frantastique

Our users' success stories from around the world.

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More than 7 million learners worldwide

Lucie G. (Lima)

I've always wanted to learn French, but I've never had an opportunity until now...

Carol N. (Lima)

My name is Carolina, I come from South America, Lima Peru. My country is very beautiful, we have...

Marija K. (Philadelphia)

Frantastique has enhanced my daily rituals, and made me more aware of the...

Wayne R. (Allen, TX)

I took one year of French in high school. I probably learned about as much as the typical US...

Susan S. (Adelaide)

I am a retired child psychiatrist. I don’t really like being retired, I loved my job. Just before...

Elena B. (Canterbury)

After graduating from Yale Law School, I decided that it was time to prepare for my...

Tenzin Dhondup K. (Boissy Saint Léger, Il de France)

I am a Tibetan who came to France in August 2017 as a political refugee. I have always been...

andres c. (santiago)

Hola, he estado en varias partes del mundo, Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Mendoza, Atenas...

Samir F. (Atlanta)

I am of Syrian origin and learned French in kindergarten, then in the first and second grade...

Silvana P. (Rorario)

I love languages! I like traveling... and Frantastique gave me the chance to meet up...

Andres Felipe R. (Bogota)

My name is Andres Felipe Ramos I am 22 years old, I live in Bogotá, Colombia, I love France...

Melissa H. (Christchurch)

I have been using Frantastique in conjunction with courses at the Alliance Française here...

Rodela D. (Lake Tahoe.)

I studied French earlier at my school & fell in love with it! I was looking for a way...

Luis J. C. (Burgos)

I have always been interested in French culture and language, but I am not interested...

Henriette H. (BARCELONA)

Every morning I'm always enthusiastic to discover my new lesson. Each lesson helps me...

Don W. (Playas de Tijuana)

Your approach is light-hearted and the "spicy mode" humor makes learning fun and easy...

Petra S. (Leipzig)

I love Frantastique because it's so easy to improve my French - every day...

Tianyang C. (Shanghai)

I have been using Frantastique for more than 100 days ,and I have improved from Level 3.3

John L. (Rueil Malmaison)

I am a Canadian who was born in Montreal, but I have lived most of my adult life...

Tania C. (Belo Horizonte)

My name's Tania Caramaschi. I am from Brazil, Minas Gerais state, Brumadinho city...