Here is Lama A's success story.

Dear Frantastique, I am 61 years old. I am retired. I was a professor at Damascus University in Syria. I stopped teaching at the University after 30 years of work because of my husband's illness. So I travelled with my husband for treatment. I took care of him for a year in France. After the death of my husband, I was so depressed. So I moved to live in Brussels (Belgium) with my son's family. Then, I thought of something keeps me busy, happy and my brain active. I began to learn French at the Alliance Française of Bruxelles. Since that moment, my life began to change for the better. I took several courses there. Meanwhile my daughter in law gave birth to a baby boy. I decided to help my son and his wife take care of my grandchild. But I didn't want to stop studying the French language which I love so much. By chance, I discovered the Frantastique application. Immediately afterwards, I started my lessons. Frantastique was a life saver for me and for my foreign French language. It is marvellous to do Frantastique lessons with my grandchild beside me. Every day, I have a chance to let my intellectual horizons expand more and more with Frantastique. Everyday, I revive my heart and beautify my day more and more with Frantastique. Every day, I flourish my life more and more withFrantastique. J'adore la langue Française! Je ne vais pas arrêter d'étudier cette chic langue. Je vous remercie du fond du coeur pour tous ! Thanks!
— Lama A. (Brussels, BELGIUM)