Here is John L's success story.

I am a Canadian who was born in Montreal, but I have lived most of my adult life in English-speaking Toronto. So, as an adult I mostly remember only how to swear like a French-Canadian, however, I can usually understand something simple in French. I am retired now and living near Paris (three months) so I need to get back to routinely using French. I hope to be reasonably fluent after three years. Frantastique has helped me get on the right track again. The first expression that really helped: "avec ceci?". You really need to understand this at the fresh market in the village on Saturday, as you hear it every few seconds around you! When I do the lessons I copy/paste expressions that I find useful and then review them when I am on the RER train heading to Paris. The lessons are usually humorous so I enjoy doing them. My favorite is the elevator conversation between M. Blanchard and Jeanine where he says: "Jeanine, you look different, are you pregnant? She responds: "non, I bought new shoes!".
— John L. (Rueil Malmaison, FRANCE)