The verbs fare (to do, to make), dare (to give) and stare (to be) in the conditional

The verbs fare (to make, to do), dare (to give) and stare (to be) are irregular and are conjugated as follows in the conditional: 

Io farei
Tu faresti
Lui/lei farebbe
Noi faremmo
Voi fareste
Loro farebbero
Io darei
Tu daresti
Lui/lei darebbe
Noi daremmo
Voi dareste
Loro darebbero
Io starei
Tu staresti
Lui/lei starebbe
Noi staremmo
Voi stareste
Loro starebbero

Se avessimo delle ferie, faremmo un viaggio in India.

If we had time off, we would take a trip to India (literally, "we would do a trip…").

Luca darebbe volentieri una mano a Giada.

Luca would gladly give Giada a hand.

Se Gabriele fosse qui con te, staresti meglio.

If Gabriele were here with you, you would be better off.

Note: derivatives of these verbs, such as rifare (to redo, to remake), contraffare (to forge, to counterfeit) and ridare (to give back), also behave in the same way.

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