The sc sound
The letter combination sc is pronounced differently depending on the letter that follows it.
Sc has a soft sound similar to the English “sh” when the following come after it:
- the vowel e or i, as in the following cases:
scelta , esci , lasci , coscienza
Sc has a hard sound similar to the English “sk” when the following come after it:
- the vowel a, o or u, as in the following cases:
scatole , scudo , ascolta , scatto
- h + i/e, creating the hard chi (as in the English “key”) or che (“kheh”) sound, as in the following cases:
schivare , scherma , scherzo , maschi
Note: the i is silent when it's followed by another vowel, as in the following cases
ascia , scienza , sciupato , sciopero
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