The numbers from 101 to 999
Reminder: after cento (100), we build other hundreds using units (due, tre, quattro…) + cento.
300 → Trecento.
(three hundred)
600 → Seicento.
(six hundred)
Between 101 and 999, numbers are formed using the following structure: hundred + number from 1 to 99, written as one word.
201 → Duecentouno.
(two hundred and one)
423 → Quattrocentoventitré.
(four hundred twenty-three)
The word cento (hundred) is always singular.
785 caramelle → Settecentottantacinque caramelle.
Seven hundred eighty-five pieces of candy.
365 giorni → Trecentosessantacinque giorni.
Three hundred sixty-five days.
Note: when cento (hundred) is followed by ottanta (eighty), we drop the o at the end, but if it is followed by otto (eight), we keep the o.
108 = centootto
(one hundred eight)
389 = trecentottantanove
(three hundred eighty-nine)
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