Irregular verbs in the present subjunctive: poder (to be able to), volver (to return), dormir (to sleep), etc.
Some verbs change their stem from -o- to -ue- in the present subjunctive:
No pienso que pueda venir.
I don't think I can come.
Cuando vuelva del viaje te llamaré.
When I get back from my trip, I'll call you.
Espero que duermas bien.
I hope you sleep well.
These are the conjugations:
Tú muestres
Él/ella/usted muestre
Nosotros/as mostremos
Vosotros/as mostréis
Ellos/ellas/ustedes muestren
Tú puedas
Él/ella/usted pueda
Nosotros/as podamos
Vosotros/as podáis
Ellos/ellas/ustedes puedan
Tú duermas
Él/ella/usted duerma
Nosotros/as durmamos
Vosotros/as durmáis
Ellos/ellas/ustedes duerman
Some common verbs that follow this pattern: soler (to usually … ), contar (to count; to tell), soltar (to let go of), soñar (to dream), encontrar (to find), doler (to hurt) and mover (to move).
No creo que sueñe conmigo.
I don't think she dreams of me.
Tienes que ir al hospital aunque no te duela.
You have to go to hospital even though you're not in pain.
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