Common uses of neutral demonstrative pronouns
Neutral demonstrative pronouns like esto (this) and eso/aquello (that) are used, among other things, to replace a noun or a phrase:
- that has been said before:
Betty sabía que Ana quería vender el hotel. Betty sabía esto.
Betty knew that Ana wanted to sell the hotel. Betty knew this.
- that is going to be clarified:
Quiero esto: que vengas.
I want this: for you to come.
- whose name is unknown or avoided:
—¿Qué es eso? —Es una tortuga mutante.
-What is that? -It's a mutant turtle.
- Aquello (that) is often used to talk about an event in the past without explicitly mentioning it:
¿Te acuerdas de aquello que te dije ayer?
Do you remember that thing I told you yesterday?
- Esto, eso and aquello are used to express a notion of distance from the nouns they replace.
—¿Te gustan estas? (cercanía)—No, prefiero aquellas aunque estén más lejos. (lejanía)
-Do you like these? (proximity) -No, I prefer those even if they are farther away. (distance)
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