to see: to watch, to view; to be aware of
I don't see any problem with you leaving early today. I don't think there is any problem if you leave early today.
This is an irregular verb:
I see / I saw / I have seen
Let's see (what he says to that): Let's find out, let's discover (what he says to that)
See you (later)!: Bye! See you (soon)! We'll see each other (another time)!
- "If you see Bruno, please tell him I've gone home with a headache."
- "Edward : Well, you could go to the pet store, and see if they have any companions there..."
- "Me, a salesman, seen in the sales department?"
- "Gloria : Oh... Are you sure you want to see inside this room?"
- "Warbuckle : I've never seen a horse drink so much before."
- "General : Be quiet and put your hands where I can see them!"
- "Stink saw me do it, but I swear I didn't kill him!"
- "If you see Bruno...""
- "Brian : Our sources tell us that just minutes before Stink's corpse was discovered by Bruno, you were seen in the sales department!"
- "You see?"
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