Combining pronouns with verbs in the imperative
In the imperative mood, verbs with pronouns have the following characteristics:
• In affirmative phrases, pronouns (nous, vous, toi, etc.) are placed after the verb, separated by a hyphen (-).
Present (indicatif) | Imperative (present) |
Tu te lèves You get up Nous nous levons We get up Vous vous levez You get up | Lève-toi ! Get up! Levons-nous ! Let's get up! Levez-vous ! Get (yourself/yourselves) up! |
Note: Me becomes moi, and te becomes toi.
• In negative phrases, the reflexive pronoun is placed before the verb.
Affirmative form | Negative form |
Lève-toi ! Get up! Levons-nous ! Let's get up! Levez-vous ! Get (yourself/yourselves) up! | Ne te lève pas ! Don't get up! Ne nous levons pas ! Let's not get up! Ne vous levez pas ! Don't get up! |
Victor, lave-toi, coiffe-toi mais ne te rase pas. Victor, wash yourself, do your hair, but don't shave.
Embrassons-nous, aimons-nous mais ne nous marions jamais ! Let's embrace, let's love each other, but let's never get married!

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