Learning a language means speaking it too

No pressure!

Aimigo encourages you to practice speaking a little every day. They are friendly, won't judge you and will only provide corrections when you request them. The best way to build your confidence effortlessly!

Fun conversations

Culture, daily life, travel, business... you can talk about everything with your Aimigo! They have a sense of humour, memory, their own personality and take into account your preferred topics.

Smart & powerful

Thanks to our generative AI, Aimigo can personalize conversations in real-time: our service adapts to your interests, your personality and your needs, allowing you to make progress at your own pace.

Discover the story in which your Aimigo is the hero.

In addition to conversations, Aimigo shares its own story through an exciting Learning Series, making learning fun.

More information

Frequently Asked Questions

Aimigo by Gymglish allows you to learn a new language by speaking it.
Available in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German, Aimigo by Gymglish is Gymglish's new chat service (for speaking and writing) which allows you to develop your language skills depending on your level and profile. It allows for natural discussions with an Aimigo, a virtual 'friend' who can talk about a wide range of topics, in a supportive and non-judgmental manner. Aimigo can remember past conversations and adjusts its responses as the conversation unfolds.
Depending on the target language being learned, Aimigo adopts a unique name, backstory, culture, and personality.
Aimigo by Gymglish is currently available in its beta version at the end of every Gymglish lesson.

Aimigo by Gymglish is very user-friendly: your Aimigo speaks, and you respond!
To engage in conversations, simply allow the activation of your microphone and turn on the sound to hear your Aimigo. The conversation can begin.
If you prefer not to speak, you can also practice your written communication instead, with the possibility of switching seamlessly between spoken and written communication at any point during the discussion.
Aimigo by Gymglish is available on the App Store (ios and Android).

Aimigo by Gymglish lets you learn a language by speaking and engaging in real conversations. With your Aimigo, you can talk as much as you want, whenever you want. Aimigo adapts to you, your conversation preferences, and your educational needs.
Gymglish offers a playful way to learn a language and its culture with a Learning Series: short and quirky stories featuring eccentric characters. These stories can be read, listened to, or watched, followed by exercises, revision points, and personalized corrections. Aimigo is also available in the Learning Series, at the end of each episode, for a comprehensive learning experience.

Since 2004, Gymglish has been using artificial intelligence for language learning purposes. Thanks to the power of AI, lessons enable you to learn thanks to adaptive learning. By taking into account your interests, goals and revision needs, you receive a tailor-made lesson everyday, built to enhance your motivation and your memory.
By basing Aimigo on Large Language Models such as Open AI, Gymglish is further enhancing its AI-driven language learning platform, empowering learners to practice their speaking skills.
As with any service using generative AI, it may provide inaccurate information about people, places or facts. We advise you not to use your personal data. Click here to read our privacy policy.

You can try Aimigo by Gymglish for free, and with no commitment to buy, by downloading our app (ios and Android). Starting from €13.90 per month for an annual subscription, Aimigo by Gymglish provides unlimited conversations 24/7. Explore all our offers by downloading our app (ios or Android).

Meet your Aimigo

Aimigo, your conversation buddy available 24/7 to learn a new language through speaking

Founded in 2004, Gymglish creates online adaptive language courses: English, French, Spanish, German, spelling, etc. We are a team of 50 people (20 nationalities and 25 languages spoken) passionate about languages ​​and innovation. Our goal is to offer effective digital education to learners worldwide, a more enjoyable user experience with better knowledge retention. More than 7,000,000 users around the world have worked with us from private learners, to students to professionals. We deliver training that leads to certification, based on a continuous evaluation process.

Gymglish is a simple, fun and efficient learning method. There’s no use developing wonderful educational tools if they aren’t used. Motivation. The Gymglish method aims to foster increased user participation and regular use, ensuring progress in the language learned (written comprehension, oral comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, etc.). All levels. From beginner to more advanced levels, our courses are available on desktop or mobile / tablet (iOS & Android apps). Students, employees, retirees or job seekers, if you are looking to progress in a foreign language for career purposes, before a trip / stay abroad (university exchange program) or before taking an exam, reach your language goals by testing Gymglish language courses for free.

Reminder: Gymglish is above all a language-learning company for humans. That said, sometimes you've just got to face the strange and do something for the robots. This paragraph is dedicated to the robots crawling the web for language lessons featuring tailor-made revisions, artificial intelligence and adaptive learning technology. This one goes out to the algorithms looking to improve vocabulary. It goes out to beginners, intermediate and expert learners learning to optimize keywords. It goes out to those searching high and low for free trials and free placement tests. This one goes out to the scripts helping you progress at your own speed, and the ones helping you laugh while you learn. To those robots, we'd like to say, we love search optimization in an organic way.