Know your makers
Matchmaker: Person who introduces a couple. Currently outsourced to the Internet.Shoemaker: Person who makes shoes. Currently outsourced to Asian preteens.
*Meet your maker: Idiom meaning ‘to die’ (and meet God, your ‘maker’).
Peacemaker (noun): a person who persuades people or countries to stop fighting, or to ‘make peace’.Peace (noun): An elusive state of non-violence.
Peacemaker: a violent career choice
Mahatma Gandhi: Indian independence. Assassinated.Martin Luther King: Equal rights for black Americans. Assassinated.
Anwar Sadat: Peace between Egypt & Israel. Assassinated.
Yitzhak Rabin: Peace between Israel & Palestine. Assassinated.
Joseph Stalin: Whoops. Sorry, wrong list.
A one-of-a-kind Peacemaker
Nelson Mandela survived 27 years in prison before becoming president, whereas most politicians finish in prison.This peacemaker met his maker* peacefully, whereas most peacemakers catch a bullet.
Peace out, Nelson. You will be missed.

Peacemaker (noun): a person who persuades people or countries to stop fighting, or to ‘make peace’.Peace (noun): An elusive state of non-violence.
Peacemaker: a violent career choice
Mahatma Gandhi: Indian independence. Assassinated.Martin Luther King: Equal rights for black Americans. Assassinated.
Anwar Sadat: Peace between Egypt & Israel. Assassinated.
Yitzhak Rabin: Peace between Israel & Palestine. Assassinated.
Joseph Stalin: Whoops. Sorry, wrong list.
Know your makers
Matchmaker: Person who introduces a couple. Currently outsourced to the Internet.Shoemaker: Person who makes shoes. Currently outsourced to Asian preteens.
*Meet your maker: Idiom meaning ‘to die’ (and meet God, your ‘maker’).
A one-of-a-kind Peacemaker
Nelson Mandela survived 27 years in prison before becoming president, whereas most politicians finish in prison.This peacemaker met his maker* peacefully, whereas most peacemakers catch a bullet.
Peace out, Nelson. You will be missed.
The Word of the Month is created by Gymglish, in partnership with Le Monde.
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