Don't confuse "breach" with:
Beach: a sandy area near water. Good place to see a whale breach.Bleach: a chemical disinfectant. Recommended by 1 of 46 US presidents as a COVID cure.
To broach (a subject): to bring something up. Is this a good time to tell you that there are costumed extremists in the lobby?
A breach: An opening, tear or rupture.To breach (a fortress, an agreement): to penetrate; to break the rules.
A breach of (protocol): a violation of (protocol).
Breaches in the news
In a minor breach of protocol, a group of Trump supporters breached the US Capitol earlier this month.New
Things that can be breached
Castle: If video games have taught us anything, there's probably a princess or an extra life in there.Data: No need to hack private information when we give it away for free.
Confidence: It's been a wild 4 years, but maybe we can learn to trust again.

A breach: An opening, tear or rupture.To breach (a fortress, an agreement): to penetrate; to break the rules.
A breach of (protocol): a violation of (protocol).
Breaches in the news
In a minor breach of protocol, a group of Trump supporters breached the US Capitol earlier this month.New
Don't confuse "breach" with:
Beach: a sandy area near water. Good place to see a whale breach.Bleach: a chemical disinfectant. Recommended by 1 of 46 US presidents as a COVID cure.
To broach (a subject): to bring something up. Is this a good time to tell you that there are costumed extremists in the lobby?
Things that can be breached
Castle: If video games have taught us anything, there's probably a princess or an extra life in there.Data: No need to hack private information when we give it away for free.
Confidence: It's been a wild 4 years, but maybe we can learn to trust again.
The Word of the Month is created by Gymglish, in partnership with Le Monde.
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